
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Milkless Tropical Fruit Smoothie

YOU PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED TO COMMENT YOU KNOWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAaand I'm sorry I haven't been posting but I got sick. No, I didn't get sick from eating my own stuff, if you're wondering.

Lately I've been making smoothies without dairy because my big sister and bratty youngest brother are both lactose-intolerant. And Mother recently (like a month ago) found this healthy drink brand called 'GoodBelly.' Is that in your stores yet? It's got a real funny name, yeah? I've never liked the word 'belly.'

Anywhoooozers, TO THE POINT. So I think this happened last week (yes, I know you really want me to get on with the recipe but I have no care) and Mother and Father and Big Sister S came back from the Farmer's Market.

MOTHER: I think you'll be ecstatic if you look in the chest freezer, Nu.
NU: You got berries!?!?
(No reply.)

Blasphemy! If no one wants to answer me, I'll have their head stuffed with smoothies! Anyways, I explored the chest freezer later, and found one of my favorite frozen products. Now, what is that brand? I think it's called...Oh! It's called Nu-Can't-Remember-And-Has-To-Check-Some-Other-Time. My favorite frozen product is the frozen diced mangoes. Mmm. I can finish one whole bag in less than an hour. Them people should fill up their packages with more fruits. There was also this tropical fruit thing that had slices of bananas, diced mangoes, and strawberries. And we also had raspberries.


1 cup of pomegranate GoodBelly drink
half a bag of tropical frozen fruit as said in the junk above
half a cup of frozen raspberries
1/4 cup of frozen diced mangoes

They don't have to be frozen, of course, but this is a smoothie, and smoothies are supposed to be cold. So if you're using fresh fruit, add 3 ice cubes to the blender for coldness.

I like putting the berries in first and then the liquid. (Note that the amount of liquid listed never really matters. When I  made this, it came out globby and not so much liquidy. Put in more liquid and it'll slide out of the blender more easily.)

If you need help or don't understand any of this, consult your parent or comment.


TEMPORARY NOTE: I'll have pictures, master! I will! I have to buy more GoodBelly! Just wait!

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